The Believer’s Journey

The Believer’s Journey is a Bible Teaching Ministry that has literally reached around the world through social media venues, our YouTube Channel, Podcast Channels and personal travel. We have been able to touch peoples lives who may not have the ability to attend an assembly of believers or study the Bible. We teach to different assemblies, hold seminars through video platforms and have traveled as far as Eastern Europe to preach in churches, hold seminars and teach to various groups as well as Bible Seminary Classes. This is why we are as careful as can be to be as accurate as possible when teaching the Scriptures and God’s truth. We believe that we are held accountable to God at a higher standard, since we believe our calling is from The Holy Spirit and He has provided us a platform to teach His word.

Our calling and goal is to reach and teach those who are already believers’ / followers’ of Jesus Christ. To guide them to live a life of Holiness, Righteousness and become like Jesus, our Lord and Savior.

We at The Believer’s Journey support and promote several missionaries and ministries worldwide. We have listed a few of them on our Donate page.

If you have a need for a speaker or Bible teacher, please contact us to schedule a meeting. Our teacher, Alan Cutting, is a topical teacher and has been able to teach on any topic given him. Alan also opens a question/answer period during and at the end his seminars and Bible teachings.

There is no charge for seminars, preaching, or teaching engagements. We only ask for expenses paid if not in the area. If you like, we always welcome love offerings. The Believer’s Journey is supported by donations only. All monies collected are used to broadcast our programs, pay for supplies and support ministries and missionaries. We do not pay salaries to anyone. The Believer’s Journey is pure ministry. If anyone would like to give to, or support our ministry, please feel free to donate.

To Support The Believer’s Journey and continue our Teaching Ministry.

The Believer’s Journey, inc. is a non-profit organization with 501(c)(3) status and all donations and gifts are therefore tax deductible.
