
I am totally in love with my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and daily walk with Him through the journey of my life. I believe that God created us to live in an intimate relationship with Him. I believe that God was manifested as a man, Jesus Christ, and He calls us to live by faith in Him and follow His teachings. I further believe that every follower of Jesus should seek the guidance and power of the Holy Spirit in order to be conformed to the image of our Lord Jesus Christ. Our relationship extends into the body of believers. Our love for one another is a sign and work of loving Jesus. This is the heritage that Jesus left His church; to love and take care of one another. It is also the truth by which God brings people into a saving relationship with Himself and leads them to Christian maturity.

I served for ten years as an associate pastor, and fourteen years as a Jr./Sr. high school and university Bible instructor. As a high school teacher, I also spent three years as a career counselor for grades 11 and 12. As an Associate Pastor, the areas of service has been with teenagers, young adults, Christian education, counseling, Bible studies,seminars, choir, and Sunday school teacher.

I put roots down in San Antonio, Texas in the year 2000 and began teaching as a Bible Professor in a Christian University. I became very active in lay ministry at Community Bible Church, San Antonio, TX; as a Bible study leader of Life Groups, Praise choir singer, Sunday school teacher, Activity Director for Singles group and the church Baptism Director.

I have also helped form The Christian Business Chamber of Commerce and served on the Board of Directors for several years. Since 2000, I have taught an ongoing Bible class, called “The Believer’s Journey” for young and senior adults alike. Focusing on building and living in a relationship with Jesus and with other believers. In 2011, I started to started to travel to The Republic of Moldova in Eastern Europe almost every year, where I teach at the Moldova Bible Seminary, preach at various churches, teach home churches & Bible Studies, work with and train Campus Crusade leaders, and hold seminars on various relationship topics.

As of 2020, I left Community Bible Church and am now at The Fellowship of San Antonio, I still teach my Bible class, “The Believer’s Journey” and my wife, Susan, is very involved in the music and pastoral care ministries.

In 2001 my wife & I purchased a local promotional products company. I have been operating our family business, HI-TEX Flags & Advertising Specialties, as the operations manager. We have successfully transformed this local business into a national corporation, using the Biblical principles laid out in the scriptures. It provides for our livelihood, so not to put a burden on God’s ministry “The Believer’s Journey”.

I did not grow up in a Christian environment. In fact, it was very dysfunctional. The first half of my life was a real struggle as I tried to shed the demons of my early years. Much has been learned through obedience, faithfulness and failures…Lots of failures!

I love to be used in the developing and nurturing of people in their Christian walk. My basic belief is as I read God’s Word and seek the guidance of the Holy Spirit, I put into practice the teachings and leading that is brought to my attention. Due to my life experiences, education and amazing mentors, I research, write and teach my own material. I primarily studied to be a pastor, not a Bible teacher. However, most of my life has been spent studying and teaching principles and topics of the Bible in several different settings. My ability of teaching God’s Word is given to me by the Holy Spirit. I long to be a blessing to Jesus my Lord, and to the people I serve as His minister. I pray for God’s leading and blessing in ministry.

My formal education consists of ten years of Biblical training. University degrees are as follows:

  • Associate of Arts in Biblical Studies
  • BA in Religious Education
  • MA in Biblical Literature
  • MA in Religion
  • MA in Counseling
  • Ph.D. in Christian Theology

Much of my teaching comes from a collaboration of personal study in the scriptures. The person who has been most influential to me as an outside source of study would be Dr. Walter Kaiser Jr. His inderstanding and teaching of scripture is by far the best I have ever read and heard. However, much of my education has come from life experiences, listening to wise mentors and personal study. Three of the most influential people in my adult life are: Reuben Welch, long time Bible Professor and Chaplain at Point Loma Nazarene University, Bruce Baloian, Professor and Head of the Bible Department at Azusa Pacific University, and Lon Eckdahl, Pastor, surrogate father and life long mentor. All three I have the honor and the privilege to call friend. However, Lon has suffered with me through every pitfall in my life. He has granted me mercy, extended grace, rebuked my poor choices, invested his precious time and lifted me up, proving to be a true servant of Jesus. What an honorable human being!